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Article Review Form "Emotional Intelligence"

Name                          : 
Student Number        : 
Faculty & Class         : FIK UI 2014 Class C

Title of the article        : Emotional Intelligence
Author(s)                     : Patricia Holt

Explain in two or three sentences why you have chosen this article.
Because the contents of an interesting article about the experiment Goleman tells about the latest discoveries in brain research that proves emotional stability is more important than IQ in determining an individual's success in life. In this study, children aged four years individually summoned to the room at Stanford University. Thereare, a man gives marshmallows for each child and said they could eat the marshmallow right away, or wait for him to return from duty, and will get two marshmallows. After he left, some of them fussing and waiting for the promised gift double. The rest just watched him go and eat marshmallows in seconds. The results were surprising that people who have refused to eat the marshmallow that is clearly more socially competent than others.

Explain briefly in four or five sentences what the article is about.
Goleman, a psychologist and science writer, is the author of the best-seller Emotional Intelligence, a fascinating book about recent discoveries in brain research that prove emotional stability is more important than IQ in determining an individual's success in life. In this experiment, four-year-old children were individually called into a room at Stanford University. There are a man gave a marshmallow to each of them and said they could eat the marshmallow right away, or wait for him to come back from an errand, at which point they would get two marshmallows. while they waited for the man to come back, some of them played games or sang to keep their thoughts off the marshmallow and waited for the promised double prize. Others simply watched the man leave and ate the marshmallow within seconds. What is surprising about this test, claims Goleman, is its diagnostic power: A dozen years later the same children were tracked down as adolescents and tested again. "The emotional and social difference between the grab-the-marshmallow preschoolers and their gratification-delaying peers was dramatic," Goleman says. The ones who had resisted eating the marshmallow were clearly more socially competent than the others. Goleman explains, it's all because of a lone neuron in the brain, only recently discovered, that bypasses the neocortex and goes straight to the amygdala, or emotional center of the brain. It is here that quicker, more primitive 'fight or flight' responses occur, and are stored for future use. But if the emotions stored in the brain are those of restraint, self-awareness, self-regulation, self-motivation, empathy, hope, and optimism, then we become endowed with an 'emotional intelligence' that serves rather than enslaves us for the rest of our lives.

What is the writer‟s message or purpose in writing this article?
Success depends not only on the person's IQ, but also depends on the Emotional Intellegence. A person with a high IQ does not always succeed in life, but emotional intelligence as a more decisive success factor. People who have high emotional intelligence will easily direct cognition in thinking and problem solving. Because people who have emotional intelligence are usually more able to motivate themselves, to understand the emotions of others, and dealing with relationships with others.

Give your personal comment on the article as a conclusion of your article review.

In the article told about the experiment of Goleman's success not only be obtained only with IQ. Success also requires more than just smart. Emotional intelligence is a more decisive factor of success than intelligence. People who have high emotional intelligence will easily direct cognition in thinking and problem solving. People who have emotional intelligence are usually more able to motivate themselves, to understand the emotions of others, and dealing with relationships with others. Recognize their own feelings as it is is an important element in emotional intelligence. If the individual does not recognize her own feelings, then life will be controlled by feeling it. While individuals who recognize their own feelings will be able to direct his life. If IQ is related to cognitive factors, then the emotional intelligence is more related to affective factors. Affective factors often influence the cognitive factors that emotional intelligence is a motivational factor that would encourage or inhibit the use of the entire capacity of intelligence, or cause individuals are reluctant or unable to use his intelligence optimally.


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